Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kareena to produce more waste

 Kareena to produce more wasteKareena Kapoor has taken to beau Saif Ali Khan not casting her in his production venture really seriously. After riding superbikes and making a lot of men drool, Kareena thinks she can do every thing Saif can, and has announced the launch of her own production company to draw the final nails on this huge B-town coffin we can do without.

Before this money manoeuvre, Kareena was heard saying she would like to open a Yoga training Institute and a school for the disabled. Those two ventures have not seen the light of the day. And well, just like we have have learned to say, charity can always wait till the time size zero feels full enough.

This new production company goes on floor sometime next year with Eros International already pitching their noses and word on what they think might be profitable. There are no points for guessing who will star in this commercial saga, Saif and Kareena will take their love affair to the silver screen yet again…

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