Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It’s been over half a year since Farah Khan’s, ‘Om Shanti Om’ released in theatres but long after the laughter’s died down, she’s still plagued by the Manoj Kumar controversy. In case you haven’t seen the movie, here’s what all the fuss is about.

An actor playing the part of Manoj Kumar is shown to be beaten up and thrown out of a cinema hall by the police who fail to recognize him as the veteran film-maker and actor. Considering the fact that Om Shanti Om is a spoof on the Bollywood industry itself, you’d think something as small as this would be taken in the right spirit. But no, not Manoj Kumar, he’s still very upset about the fact that the scene has not been changed or deleted. Yash Chopra,Shah Rukh and Farah Khan even visited him personally and apologized, but it seems that it was all in vain - Mr.Bharat is going to approach his lawyers and pursue legal action.

His justification is the worst part of all of this. He argues that if Shah Rukh or Salman walked into a theatre today they wouldn’t be beaten up by the police. Makes sense doesn’t it?. The scene is meant to be funny and not and not real life situations and events. If Mr.Bharat can’t handle a little bit of comedy he should stick to watching Cops or Rendez-vous with Simi Garewal, changing into a spandex suit at every commercial break and briefing unsuspecting children returning home from school about the wonders of closed-mindedness and detachable teeth. But this is the problem with our industry. The minute someone tries to do something besides three-way love sagas or parent-loving sob fests, some old man gets pissed and steps in to restore the balance.

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