Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tahaan: Preview

 Tahaan: PreviewIt’s quite clear, Bollywood is changing and not a minute too soon. I have always felt that the same ol’ song and dance routine will not sustain for a long time. I mean, yeah I enjoy an occasional cheesy movie from the 70’s or 80’s but there’s only so much bright candy-floss shiny happy movies one can handle.

There is a lot of issue based sensible cinema happening in India. It’s not like the old art films which only a select few would watch and fewer still would understand. It’s intelligent, yet it’s mainstream. One such breath of fresh air is Tahaan.

Tahaan tells us the tale of an eight-year-old boy of the same name. It tells us about his woes, his aspirations, his little dreams and his donkey, Birbal. All this set in the backdrop of terrorism addled Kashmir.

The protagonist is played by a young newcomer, Purav Bhandare. Anupam Kher, Victor Banerjee, Sarika, Rahul Khanna and Rahul Bose play key roles in the movie. It’s directed by none other than ace cinematographer, Santosh Sivan. Whoa! That is one hell load of talent packed in one movie.

Tahaan is bound to stand out from the normal fare. Kudos to the makers for daring to make a different kind of movie. The Indian film fraternity is in desperate need of such attempts to prove that it can make much more than big budget candy-floss. Watch it when it releases on September 5th!

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