Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bipasha’s Research

 Bipashas ResearchBipasha Basu is trying her best to play the character of a Kahsmiri Girl in Rahul Dholakia’s Lamha after she replaced Karisma Kapoor. Now lets face it, Karisma instinctively looked a lot more Kashmiri than the dusky bombshell, but then Karisma is a self-confessed chicken as well. Bipasha on the other hand has taken it upon herself to disapprove the myth that Kashmiri girls are fair-skinned and light-eyed (I hate to break your bubble dear, but it’s not a myth and they really are!). She has asked the director to get a “typical Kashmiri girl” to be shipped to her, this girl is going to be studied in depth by Bips as far as expressions, speech patterns and mannerisms go.

Bipasha agrees she has not done a movie that involves changing her personality so much. She is really sure that she will look her part though when the shoot begins. Looks to me a like case of bad casting only slightly better than Deepika Padukone playing a Chinese girl in Chandni Chowk to Chinatown.

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