Monday, September 1, 2008

Sahil’s new arm candy

 Sahils new arm candyRemember Sahil Khan? Best known for the whole tandav he did with Negar Khan, and his role in ‘Style’. Well while Negar got deported and their hue and cry about being husband and wife was not bought by the state, Sahil started working on his abs again… Hence, his now Tarzan-like physique! Soon after, he was smitten by an anonymous German girl, with whom he had a live-in relationship.

When it came to marriage, knowing all the bitterness the state had with the girls he dated, he blatantly refused and the girl went back to Germany, hooked up with an Australian who had bigger abs and lesser issues and has not been heard of since.

This relationship however made Sahil get out of the gym and sign a couple of films which go by the names; Fauj mein Mauj and Rama - The Saviour featuring Tanushree Dutt and The WWE wrestler The Great Khali. Just as we begin to wonder what will happen to such brave endeavors, Sahil gets himself another anonymous girl, who somehow resembles Paris Hilton to such an extent that it hints either towards a terrific face job or a case of father Hilton’s drunken escapade.

Let’s see how long Sahil’s fly paper abs can hold on to this wafer he has trapped.

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