Saturday, July 19, 2008

A dark night with the celebs…

 A dark night with the celebs...
So last night was one of the few nights that I was given a chance to rub shoulders with so called ‘celebrities’ in our city. It was at the premiere of the new Batman movie The Dark Knight. The invitation said 9:45, that’s when guest where ask to arrive where they would be served cocktails followed by the screening of the movie at 10:15. Now bear in mind that this is the first time I am going for one of these event so therefore I landed up on time. Little did I know that our dear “stars” (the air quotes are important) with all their designer watches still can’t tell time. Well you really can’t blame them now can you, they can’t star in third grade films and be on time!!! That’s just way to much for their brains to manage.

The A-listers included Imran Khan and his girlfriend, Kabir Bedi and daughter Pooja, Deepika Padukone (who was one who held up the show), V.J. Ranvir and also Nauheed Cyrusi who was the only one without this superstar air about her. Anyway so after about an hour and a half of waiting, they finally started the movie and believe me when I say it totally made up for all the bulls**t that was taking place outside.

Director Christopher Nolan has out done himself once again. He has taken the unreal situation of the Batman Comics and put them in such a believable environment. Once again he has reinvented Batman and taken him to that level that other directors only dreamed of reaching. However by far the star of the night was Heath Ledger, who will have fans upset all over again as this movie is a huge reminder of the kind of talent the man had. The twisted Joker was one of the greatest villains I have ever seen on the big screen!! So Heath wherever you are, you can rest in peace because you KICKED ASS in this movie.

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