Saturday, July 26, 2008

Shilpa throws Raj a housewarming party

 Shilpa throws Raj a housewarming party

Bring out the Party- hats and balloons (or should I say hide all the men) because Shilpa Aunty’s throwing a party for her oh-so-dashing boyfriend.
Word is that the ’house-warming’ party’s being held at boyfriend Raj Kundra’s new five million pounds mansion in the countryside of London.
Now, I know that we live in a melting pot and that nowdays its not so shocking to see an Indian in a five million pound mansion when as few years ago it may have been something of a feather in the country’s cap, but HELL! Can you imagine the state of the neighbours when they get a look at that guy? No one would go within a 100 metres of that guy for fear of catching a severe case of UGLY!
Who do they think they are anyway, The Beckhams? What makes them think they can throw their boisterous, planet-of-the-apes theme sex fest in some other country? Doesn’t she have more than enough people to embarass herself in front of in her own country?
What she really deserved was a Global prove-your-countrymen-as-cavemen Award rather than the Global Cultural Diversity Award.
Oh! And Shilpa, a little advice (given your history and all of that) - since your in a country full of foreigners, you’d better slap a signboard on your forehead that reads ‘Touch Me Not-I’m Indian’

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