Friday, July 18, 2008

Purple Daze - Arjun and his twin guitars

 Purple Daze - Arjun and his twin guitars
Guitarists world-over are descending upon Mumbai city to discuss the potentially life-threatening situation we have on our hands. Arjun Rampal, model, actor and self-confessed ghost-buster has gone ahead and bought not one, but two guitars on which he plans to plans to play such never before heard, over-the-top, breakneck pieces like Hotel California and “some other song by Jim Morrison“. The Collectors edition Ibanez guitar that he purchased will be used to dish out those banshee tunes while the box-guitar will be used to “play acoustic songs”. One lakh rupees well-spent.

When are celebrities going to learn? For f**k’s sake, learn how to play before you buy yourself collectors edition guitars. Who the f**k can’t play Hotel California?? What’s more is that Arjun plans to play live shows soon. The only place I’d trust him to entertain is at Razz Rhino and it’s fresh-into-the-scene rock enthusiasts who think Metallica and Linkin Park is the soundtrack of their life.

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