Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wrong connection!!!

Ok, so this is getting a little out of hand. I open up the entertainment papers today and there is this one headline that catches my eye. It reads “Imran Khan’s Bong connection”. So now I’m thinking that this is some juicy gossip where the young star has been photographed with a bong in hand dressed like Austin Powers at some crazy 70’s themed party.

You can only imagine how pissed I was when I figured it was about his Bengali blood. This entire article deals with how even though Imran Khan’s dads last name is “Pal”, he stuck with ”Khan” because he feels closer to his mother or some such…. Who cares?? Besides I’m sure this whole “Khan” deal is something a lot less heart warming, like I don’t know maybe… because that’s his uncles last name, and that “Khan” is like your golden ticket to make it big in the film industry. Whatever be the reason am I the only person who thinks this guy is getting way too much attention!!! Good God he did one film where he played a teenage boy (which he is, so I’m sure that’s not too hard). It’s not like he added a dynamic dimension to a tragic hero out of medieval times.

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