Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jo jeeta wahi pappu!!

 Jo jeeta wahi pappu!!

The immense success of his debut movie, both at the Box Office and with the critics, hasn’t gone to Imraan Khan’s head yet. So far so good. At an event hosted by Radio Mirchi Imraan was at his humblest best. He laughed and danced along with the participants and greeted some fans with heartfelt hugs.

Basically it was a dance competition. All the contestants danced their heart out like there was no tomorrow to the Jaane Tu… hit number : ‘Pappu Can’t Dance Saala’. After everyone gave their best shot, Imraan dropped the bomb. They weren’t looking for the best dancers…they were looking for the best Pappus!!!

Hahahahaha…that sure did shock everyone present. Imagine…a dance off where the worst dancers win! Anyways the winners (losers?) took it in their stride with a very sporty attitude. In fact they did a jig with Imraan again, to the applause and laughter from the crowds.

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